Individuals and Organizations can start their own Value Creation Journey by first enrolling with our sister Non-Profit Organization (NPO) the VRC Juku as members. In Japanese, a "Juku" is a type of private school or training facility, and in November 2022 our VRC Juku was officially launched as a part of The Doshisha's NPO D-Bridge.
Membership in the VRC Juku offers the following benefits
Access to up-to-date information related to the Value Model, including the 7 stakeholders, 27 themes, 81 goals to be achieved, and the indicators on which they are based.
Early access to reports and articles from the VRC for the study of Social Value
Membership in the Global Innovation Value Summit (GIVS), held annually in November in Kyoto, Japan, with a certain number of free or discounted benefits based on membership level.
Access to introductory educational videos and materials on the value model.
Invitations to a series of workshops and seminars on value creation and measurement throughout the calendar year.
In addition to sharing the results of the VRC's research, members of the JUKU will also receive a lecture on the Value Creation Journey (VCJ), a process that provides a path for organizations to create a positive social impact. The process is divided into seven major stages of growth to achieve responsible business and is expected to last five to seven years, depending on each member and the degree to which they have achieved their model of value. Interested members will begin the VCJ within a year of their membership. Corporate Members who do not begin the Value Creation Journey and achieve Level 1 status within one calendar year from joining the VRC Juku will not be able to renew their membership in the VRC Juku until Level 1 status is achieved.
Membership in the VRC Juku is now open, with the following membership levels:
Available to all students globally with a valid student ID Card.
Entrance Fee: ¥0
Annual Fee: ¥3,000
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Available for all faculty, researchers and individuals interested in value research and value measurement.
Entrance Fee: ¥10,000
Annual Fee: ¥35,000
available for businesses of all sizes interested in increasing the social impact of their efforts across all 7 stakeholder groups.
Entrance Fee: ¥20,000
Annual Fee: ¥500,000
Entrance Fee: ¥20,000
Annual Fee: ¥1,000,000
If you are ready to join the VRC Juku as a corporate, individual or student member, please enter your contact information here to download the details related to membership:
Become a Certified
Implementation Partner or Assessor
As organizations move through the Value Creation Journey, they will be assisted by the Implementation Partners (IP). Implementation Partners may also act act as independent assessors for those organizations who are not directly under their supervision. These IP’s can be individuals or organizations who are interested in the Value Model and the Value Creation Journey process.
All implementation partners will be trained on the details of the Value Model and will be guided through the process of training and supporting various organizations that would embark on their own value creation journey.
Training and Assessment in the Value Model will consist of a 24-hour training course administered over 3 full days of either in-person or onine classes. This course will be offered through the ESG-Integration Research and Education Center (ESG-IREC) at Osaka University’s Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) in collaboration with the VRC Juku.
If you are interested in becoming a certified Implementation Partner or Trainer, please contact us to learn more.